2008 United States Coast Guard


Level II


The Coast Guard will be a model of acquisition excellence in government.


Efficiently and effectively deliver the capabilities needed to execute the full range of Coast Guard missions.


Unify efforts throughout CG-9 to achieve mission execution.

Improve and sustain workforce excellence to enable mission execution.

Deliver capabilities within established parameters.

Eighth Coast Guard District
Hale Boggs Federal Building
500 Poydras St., Suite 1324
New Orleans, LA 70130

(504) 589-6225


Delivering sustained and adaptable readiness for Coast Guard missions

The Mission Support organization enables Coast Guard missions through lifecycle support of people, platforms and systems. With a focus on providing responsive, integrated and innovative support to Coast Guard operations, the men and women of Mission Support are committed to ensuring the Coast Guard remains Semper Paratus – Always Ready


Base New Orleans was established to horizontally integrate mission support activity and align with operations at the point of service delivery. Base New Orleans will be responsible for delivering support services within its areas of responsibility. The Base Commanding Officer will administer and direct all activities of the Base in accordance with DOL direction and the technical direction of Logistics/Service centers.

Base New Orleans serves as the single DCMS touch point for the support of Coast Guard operations within the Eighth Coast Guard District, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with our operational partners to ensure the delivery of professional, responsive and cost-effective services to the American public.