We create a just society by welcoming the most vulnerable among us, walking beside them and working to meet their needs.
Programs and Services by Topic
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Abuse and Violence
- Project SAVE (504) 310-6872
Adoption and Foster Care
- Adoption Services (504) 885-1141
- Therapeutic Family Services (504) 310-6939
Church Parish-Based Ministries
- Catholic Campaign for Human Development (504) 592-5692
- Catholic Relief Services (504) 592-5692
- Parish and Community Ministry (985) 605-5840
- Parish Social Ministry (985) 605-5840
- Parish and Community Ministry (985) 605-5840
- North Shore Catholic Center Room Reservation Line (985) 605-5842
- Catholic Charities School-Based Counseling (985) 307-6882
- Counseling Solutions (985) 785-2113
- Padua Community Homes (504) 392-0502
Disaster Response
- Disaster Response Services (985) 605-5847
- Citizenship Classes (504) 430-2600
- ESL and Citizenship Classes (504) 388-9899
- Head Start Centers (504) 861-6359
Emergency Assistance
- Marque Medical Emergency Grant
- Parish and Community Ministries (985) 605-5840
Food and Nutrition
- Food for Seniors (504) 245-7207
- PACE Greater New Orleans (504) 835-0006
- Padua Community Services (504) 392-0502
- Ciara Independent Living (504) 861-0643
- Homeless Services (504) 523-3755
Immigration and Refugee
- Immigration Services (504) 457-3462
- Refugee Services (504) 457-3462
- Immigration Services (504) 457-3462
- Project SAVE (504) 310-6872
- Refugee Services (504) 457-3462
- Pregnancy Services (Formerly ACCESS) (504) 832-1503
- Adoption Services (504) 885-1141
Mental Health
- Ciara Independent Living (504) 861-0643
- Counseling Solutions (985) 785-2113
- Refugee Youth Mentor Ally Program (504) 491-3211
Residential and Emergency Shelter/Transitional Housing
- Ciara Independent Living (504) 861-0643
- Homeless Services (504) 523-3755
- Padua Community Homes (504) 392-0502
- Foster Grandparents (504) 310-6882
- PACE Greater New Orleans (504) 835-0006
Social Justice/Advocacy
- Office of Justice and Peace (504) 592-5692
- Catholic Campaign for Human Development (504) 592-5692
- Catholic Relief Services (504) 592-5692
- Cornerstone Builders Re-entry Services (504) 310-6989
- Parish Social Ministry (504) 596-3097
- Respect Life Office (504) 832-1503
FAITH IN ACTION: We help create a just society by welcoming the most vulnerable among us, walking beside them, and working to meet their needs.
Mission: Impelled by the love and teaching of Jesus Christ, while respecting the dignity and potential of all people, we collaborate to offer life-giving programs, advocate for the voiceless and empower the vulnerable to foster a just society.
Our Values
- Empathetic: we put people first.
- Welcoming: we serve everyone.
- Compelling: our programs create real change.
- Collaborative: we work together to solve our city’s problems.
- Discerning: we make wise decisions with our resources.
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans (CCANO) has been an open door, a warm welcome, dry ground, a defending voice, and a hand up for generations of Louisiana residents. Our shared stories and strong roots help a diverse community stand tall together.